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Inside the Fire Book One in the Warden's Series Page 6

  “Oh you do huh?” I narrowed my eyes and laughed.

  “Yeah. Tall guy, kinda skinny, he has a thing for dark eyed girls.” His eyes locked with mine and both your smiles faded. The current between us was embarrassingly strong.

  He leaned in and placed his lips to mine. Their coolness calmed the most restless fire in my body as it turned to butter. His kisses became sweeter as his hand came up and cupped my right cheek. The kisses got heavier as our lips pressed together harder. There was a fever there that I couldn’t explain. Never had this much chemistry been felt with anyone. This was going somewhere I wasn’t sure I wanted to go. It seemed too soon to be in this situation but it felt so right.

  He pulled his lips from mine and fought to breathe.

  “I’ve been meaning to do that for a while now.” He caressed my face with his thumb.

  “Do what?” I asked dreamy.

  He laughed. “Kiss you.”

  “Oh.” I came out of my trance.

  “You ok?” He asked as I looked at the ground.

  “Yeah, that was just…” I couldn’t finish the sentence because the right word to explain didn’t exist.

  “Amazing? Exceptional? The best you ever had?” He looked at me with a smirk.

  “I would say awesome.” I raised an eyebrow at him as his lips brushed mine again for a just a second.

  “So what do you say Dawn?” He took my hand in his.

  “About?” I asked confused.

  “Global warming.” He smiled at me and I wanted to punch him.

  “No really.” I demanded sitting up, so I was looking down at him.

  “You are going to make me do this the hard way aren’t you?” He followed my lead but went one step further and stood up.

  He offered me his hand, and I graciously took it as helped me to my feet. I brushed the grass from my pants and looked back at him as he went down on one knee. I couldn’t help but to break out into hysterical laughter. Pulling a key ring from his pocket he took my hand.

  “What are you doing?” I asked trying to breathe between my laughing fits.

  “Shh don’t ruin the moment.” He tried not to laugh and instead held the ring up at my chest. “Dawn Weathers I have known you a whole week and I feel as if I have known you my whole life. You make me feel alive when so often I feel dead.” He was serious now.

  My smile faded, and I looked at him in wonder.

  What was he doing?

  “I would be honored if you would allow me the honor of being your boyfriend.” He looked at me and nodded towards the ring.

  Oh! I was supposed to take it from him. I touched the metal and held it to my face. It was far too big to fit on my ringer finger but maybe it would fit on my middle. He looked at me like I needed to answer him.

  “OH! Sorry.” I shrugged. “Wesley Jensen. I... hmm… this seems rather plain.” I held the ring out towards him and I thought he would fall over.

  “Seriously!” He groaned his head slumping to his chest.

  “Yes.” I said simply and his head shot up as he eyed me.

  “You sure?” He asked as if I would say I changed my mind.

  “I don’t think I’m the one you should ask that to.” I laughed as I slid the key ring onto my middle finger. It fit almost perfectly.

  He cocked his head to the side and looked at me. Standing up he wrapped his arms around me again and put his forehead to mine.

  “It’s official then.” He stated as I looked up at him.

  “Yeah. I would say it’s about as official as it will get.” I said as his lips found mine again.

  Chapter Eight

  The Claiming

  It was dark, and I was standing in an open field; the grass soft under my bare feet when the world erupted into a soft red glow.

  Standing across from me was Wesley. A red-headed woman clutched in his arms. His head was bowed at her neck and blood was pouring down to the earth from the wounds pierced into her skin. Where each of the splatters hit a black flower would grow. When it bloomed I was wowed by its beauty.

  Once the woman was obviously drained he dropped her limp body to the ground and looked at me with a sinister smile. His eyes glowed red and his fangs reflected the light of the moon above, showing to be fierce and sharp. Fear and anger seared through my body. My fingers itched, and suddenly I was levitating, lightning shooting from my fingertips, and setting fire to the field between us.

  The red-head rose from the ground anger in her eyes as she ran towards the fire only to stop. I screamed in a language I did not understand and the fire grew.

  I threw my head back and a laugh as menacing as his smile erupted from my throat. The red-head screamed back at me but I did not hear her words.

  “Dawn! Dawn!” My mother’s frantic voice tore through my dream.

  My eyes shot open and my mother let out a short gasp.

  “What mom?” I replied just as frantic. “What is it?”

  “Your eyes!” She let out another gasp and put her hand to her mouth. “No, no, no this isn’t right.”

  I shot out of bed, sprinted to the bathroom and glared in the mirror. Staring back at me was mass orbital confusion. One eye was blue one eye was chocolate and my pupils were nowhere to be seen. How the Hell was I able to see?

  “MOM!” I screeched from the bathroom. “What is going on here? Why are my eyes like this? This has never happened before.” I was scared to death.

  I blinked several times hoping that it would clear up the problem. It was quite amazing when I thought about it. Right here was the proof I had always wanted showing I indeed had both bloods.

  “I don’t know honey. I’m calling the school telling them you aren’t coming today. We should be able to figure this out within the next few hours or so.” She was already punching the numbers into her phone when I came out of the bathroom.

  “Go back to bed!” she demanded shooing me out of the kitchen toward my room. She didn’t want to see them. She didn’t want to face the fact that my father still had power in my veins.

  I couldn’t object. Seriously how would I be able to face the jury at school looking like this? I mean one look from me and they would probably drop dead. Either that or grab pitchforks and torches and chase me into the woods. For some reason I have a distinct feeling I do not want to know what is in these woods.

  So I did just what my mother said for me to do, I went back to my room and I lay down and closed my eyes. I felt a cool hand on my forehead not long after. I peered up at her through the slits of my eyelids as my mother shook her head and left the room.

  I fell asleep before I could even send Wesley a message telling him I wouldn’t be at school. He would just have to forgive me sleep was more important right now. That dream plagued me. Why was my subconscious connecting him to vampires?


  I slept for several hours before I woke up shivering, it had dropped ten degrees in my room. I had Goosebumps on my flesh. I grabbed the covers and went to pull them up over my head to hide from the cold when I heard a smooth voice from across my room.

  “She doesn’t look so bad Ms. Weathers.” He was standing there, in my room.

  Humans were not supposed to see me this way, what was my mother thinking?

  “Please, Wesley, call me Angie. She looks better now than she did this morning.” There was a momentary pause. “Thank you for dropping her schoolwork off for her today. I don’t know how long she will be out. She doesn’t get sick often but when she does it takes a lot out of her.” My mother sounded worried.

  The thing is I never get sick. I’ve never had the flu or a sinus infection. I was as healthy as a horse, she knew this. I had been in areas where disease and death surrounded us but yet we would walk away with nothing. It was as if our skin instantly cleansed the world. This very well could be an Angel trait.

  “It was nothing. I didn’t want her to get behind. It’s hard enough coming in several weeks after classes started. It was easier for me to pick it up and bring
it here than have her miss an assignment. I can even stick around for a bit and go over things with her if she wakes up. I have nothing better to do this afternoon.” He was being overly polite to her. I squinted, she would love him.

  “How did you know where to bring everything?” My mother asked him sweetly.

  “If you ask the right people they know where everyone lives.” He made a valid point.

  This was a very small town. All he would have to do was talk to the lady at the General Store, she knew where everything was.

  “Alright, well come with me we can have a cup of tea and get to know each other better. She didn’t mention she had a boyfriend.” She swat me hard on the butt as they were leaving the room. Oh God, my mother planned on bonding with him, my heart was pounding.

  They left my room, and I sat up trying to ease my erratic heartbeat. I counted to ten and stood up. Shuffling to the mirror I glanced at my eyes. They were chocolate brown again, crisis averted, however instead of no pupils like this morning the black was devouring the iris.

  I figured it was safe enough, so I brushed my hair and put it up. Smoothed out my shirt and took a deep breath. He had put my books on my desk in a neat pile.

  God, was that every class?

  One last look and I was out the door sauntering half asleep into the kitchen.

  They were sitting at the table laughing, each of them holding onto a coffee cup filled with hot tea. My mother was the first to notice me and fear crossed her face as she glanced at my eyes. I shook my head, and she softened, she had noticed. Wesley then turned towards me and gave me a huge smile.

  “Hey, princess. How’d you sleep?” He teased me looking me from top to bottom his eyes lingering on my chest. It sent chills down my spine and I had to fight the urge to blush.

  How could this boy be the monster from my dream? My blood must be playing jokes on me again. This wasn’t the first time it made me think someone was a vampire.

  Vampires don’t exist. I had to tell myself.

  “Not well. You see I had these two loud mouths in my room that woke my ass up.” I grumbled and took a seat at the table.

  “I knew we would wake you. I don’t know why I thought putting your books in your room was such a good idea.” My mother sounded apologetic, however there was a smile lingering on her lips.

  “It’s ok mom, I don’t mind. I needed to get up anyway.” I yawned and looked at Wesley again. He was still smiling. Did this boy do anything but smile?

  “So when were you going to tell me this strapping young man was your boyfriend.” She bat her eyes at me.

  “For that reason right there.” I pointed at her and rolled my eyes. “You always find a way to embarrass me.”

  “Wesley. Does your father ever embarrass you?” She asked looking at him and winking.

  “All the time.” Wesley laughed as he reached under the table and grabbed my hand in his.

  “See!” She exclaimed throwing her arms in the air.

  “It doesn’t make it any better.” I laughed.

  “Well then.” My mother stood. “It has been a blast to talk with you Wesley. I will let you two go over your assignments. I’m sure it will take a while.” She looked at her watch. “I have an appointment with the pastor in an hour. I won’t be gone long can you handle dinner on your own tonight?”

  “Yeah.” I said softly.

  “Good. It was great to meet you Wesley. I hope we see more of you. Down doesn’t bring home many boyfriends.”

  Why did she just tell him that?

  She grabbed her purse and her keys and walked out the door.

  “Your mother is great.” He finally said breaking the silence.

  “Yeah, she has her moments though.” I mumbled. “Do you mind if we just relax for a bit before jumping on the homework. I would like to be awake before having to read.”

  “No not at all.” He replied.

  “I’m sorry for not texting you.” I said as he caressed my hand.

  “It’s fine I went to the office at lunch and they told me your mother called in.” He was concerned about me!

  “My mom is pretty big on the bed rest for the weary.” I shrugged. “Wanna go into the living room? It’s far more comfortable in there with the couch and all.”

  “Yeah. I didn’t want to be rude. I think my ass fell asleep.” He laughed as we got up and walked into the room.

  I grabbed the remote and put it on a movie channel. We could watch whatever came on. Sometimes the movie was lame but mostly there was some good stuff.

  He took my hand in his and pulled it to his mouth to kiss the back of it. I smiled at him sweetly as he leaned back so I could get closer. Everything seemed innocent enough. That was until he had the bright idea to kiss me. The best word to describe that five minute kiss is: WOAH! I was taken by surprise but the kiss was amazing, his lips were warm and inviting. Each second felt as if he would devour my soul.

  My heart was pounding my mind was screaming and my body was aching. I pushed him back against the couch and straddled his legs between mine. I sat up to look at him and smiled before crushing my lips to his again. So much heat so much passion, we fit together as if we were made of the same flesh.

  His hands slid up my shirt. They were amazingly warm now caressing my back as he nipped hungrily at my bottom lip. I looked at his face he was flushed the increased blood flow had turned his cheeks pink. The way he glowed almost seemed like I had brought him back from the dead.

  A smile slowly spread across his face as he placed his hands on my hips and pulled me closer.

  “You are so beautiful.” His mouth met mine again the only answer I could give was the moan from my throat.

  I wanted him and I wanted him more than I had ever wanted anyone before him. Not that there had been a long list before him. This was still a relatively new feeling. I did not understand what I was doing or where this was going, but I wanted it to go somewhere that was for certain.

  He picked me up easily and carried me through the living room and kitchen and laid me down on my bed. He lay down next to me pinning me to the mattress.

  “Have you ever?” He asked me softly between kisses and I nodded.

  “Once. Have you?” I whimpered as his lips brushed my neck then my shoulder blades.

  I felt a familiar cold tingle in my finger tips and clutched my hands into fists.

  No, no not now!

  “No.” He breathed, “I always said my first time would be with the woman I am intended to marry.”

  There were several more soft caresses of his lips to my neck. The world was spinning above me. We had been alone before. Why was this particular moment any different than any of the others? Why had this not happened sooner? Wait what was actually happening?

  There was something pulling me telling me it would be fine. This voice kept repeating the same phrase over and over again in the back of my mind.

  Claim him.

  I felt a darkness flutter through my chest but I pushed it back in place.

  He leaned up on his elbows and looked me square in the eyes.

  “I have a confession to make.” He said as he caressed my cheek. “I knew your face before you ever set foot in class last week. I have been dreaming about you for years.”

  What did he just say?

  I pulled him back towards me and wrapped my arms around his neck hungrily biting at his lips. I don’t know what exactly transpired. I was seeing rainbows, and butterflies, and seeing fireworks pop. When I felt his hands on the waist of my pants. My mind came fluttering back to Earth.

  What was going on here?

  I could feel him shaking as he pulled them from my body and undid his belt. His eyes were smoldering his lips were inviting, and he was scared shitless. In all honesty so was I. This wasn’t something I normally do. I’m not one to just choose some random guy and invite him into my room. What do I know about this boy? Other than he is absolutely adorable, and he makes my heart flutter and my hands all clammy.

bsp; Something odd washed over me, a hardening in my chest that seemed to send triggers to my fingers. I wasn’t even willing myself to do it I was just doing it. I sat up and pushed his hands to the side undoing the belt and button of his jeans for him while his eyes stayed completely focused on mine. I was becoming a little self-conscious wondering if my eyes had suddenly changed again. I was already going down a path I was unsure of. Yet it was too late to go back now. The voice inside my head became more insistent.

  Claim him.

  Before I knew what was happening, he was kissing those soft sweet kisses against my neck again pushing me back down into the bed. He positioned himself between my legs softly, and this overwhelming dark need took over.

  I pulled his face to mine and pecked at him. His eyes were so blue. Then I felt it, pain, a sensual pain, and a groan escaped from his lips. I instantly felt like I was being torn in half emotionally. The darkness in me squealed with glee while another part of me felt instant guilt. This had never happened before, a point where I felt both sides of my bloodline fighting in my soul. This time I sensed as if the darker side had just bitch slapped the lighter. It was definitely getting stronger.

  It seemed only a moment had passed before I convulsed. A pressure building up inside of me.

  What was happening?

  My body quivered, and a moan escaped my lips.

  He touched my cheek; his eyes suddenly confused then turning enlightened as a smile appeared on my lips. With a sigh of relief he kissed me softly. I did not understand what had just overcome me but whatever it was I had pushed it back into the depths it had come from.

  “That was amazing.” He said panting placing his head on my chest.

  I smiled and wound my hands into his hair. I had never done that before, well not like that at least.

  “Was it everything you ever dreamed about?” I teased.

  He let out a short laugh and then sighed.

  “I can see why people get addicted to it that is for sure.”

  “Well I honestly cannot believe it just happened.” I looked at the ceiling the guilt was slowly creeping up on me as my darker side lay dormant and satisfied in the back of my mind.