Inside the Fire Book One in the Warden's Series Read online

Page 26

  “Have I not made myself obvious enough?” He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back so he could look me in the eyes. “Your eyes are so beautiful why ruin it with all that white?” He hissed at me.

  “What do you want?” I repeated. Oh how nice it would be if the prickle would just obey me right now.

  "I want you." He laughed. "Oh wait I already had you!" There was a pause where he put his hands together like he was praying. "Let me put it to you this way. I want to own you, to rule you. I want to lay down with you at dawn to wake up to you at night."

  "That's rather disturbing." I blurted out feeling the creeps crawl up my spine.

  "Do you ever find it odd how your powers fail you when you are near me?" He asked running his fingers down a strand of my hair.

  I flinched.

  "I thought so." He continued. "I make you neutral. The powers are there but you just won't get the charge." He smiled. "Sadly that is how you should know I'm around, your powers fail you. Like the night with the vampire, the club where I took you, even Daddy had to give you a power boost to put you in the flames at your house." He leaned in and put his lips to mine and I instantly pushed him away disgusted.

  "How do you affect me and not my father?" I asked coldly trying to rub the feeling of his kiss from my face.

  "Your Daddy isn't a half breed. You are far easier to manipulate than him." He pointed out.

  "So you're saying because I am weaker than my father you cancel me out?" I asked.

  "Something like that when Lilly made me she didn't know what she would get. For some reason during the creation process her DNA gets all muddy. While a majority of her progeny were vampire, a handful of them still maintained human appearances but had the ability to possess demon like attributes. So when I died and fell to Hell she saved me." He smiled at me. "When I came back to Earth I had far greater powers than I could ever imagine. I don't need blood to sustain myself. I need souls."

  "She should have let you fall." I bit at him.

  "Maybe, maybe, but then I wouldn't be here with you today." Another smile. "She never loved me though. I was only meant to be a companion until she found the one. She found him alright, and who would have thought one boy would land two demon half-bloods in a lifetime!" He applauded. "I mean really most men are lucky if they can even see one in person, this one has slept with two." I know he meant it to sting and boy did it.

  “Why are you telling me this?” I demanded.

  “Well, Lilly got Wesley in the long run, such a pathetic couple they will make.” He cooed in my ear. “Since I’m being set free, replaced by that winey prick. My consolation prize is you.” He laughed. “You see, Lilly can’t have you coming around trying to make a mess of all her hard work. It was really a bargain you see, she gets him I get you and we part ways. So if you want your boyfriend here to live I suggest you come willingly.” He pointed at Aaron. “Time is ticking Dawn, give your soul to me.”


  How did I get to this part of existence?

  I’m standing in front of a horrifying monster that took every shred of innocence that I had left and exploited it for his own worthless reasons. I’m terrified of him, he haunts my dreams. I cannot have a single moment where he is not hidden in the crevices of my mind, stalking me. The boy I love is with a demon-vampire hybrid doing lord knows what. The human I accidently claimed in a moment of weakness is crumpled at the heels of my nightmare.

  So how did I get here?

  That’s right there are mass murdering demons running amuck in my high school right now shooting innocent students. This is happening because the monster before me thinks that by killing every last person I have apparently seen is going to get me to agree to just hand my soul over. How incredibly diluted he is.

  I know he’s not going to like my answer. Why would he? He seriously thinks that I will give in to save them. Sooner or later I might, but I have one more box to check off my bucket list before I submit to his evil ways. I close my eyes and I pray.

  Lord, give me strength to push aside this asshole.

  I don’t know how I felt her, I suppose after spending hours looking through her eyes we had a blind connection.

  “Krista.” The word came out a whisper, but he heard it, his eyes widening.

  I felt relief wash over me as she walked through the door. I mean she literally walked through the door. He spun to face her, his face distorted. She was his Kryptonite, the only love he ever had.

  “How is this possible?” He dropped to his knees in front of the glowing apparition. I sprinted for Aaron lifting his head from the floor and checking for a pulse. It came back strong, he was alive, more relief.

  She reached down and touched his face. Even after everything he had done to her she still held tenderness in her heart for him. I remembered how she felt the world move when he was around. The way she could only breathe if he was next to her. She glanced at me a smile played on her lips. She bent down and whispered in his ear. His face twisted in pain as he spun on me.

  I cannot restrain him for long. I will do what I can but I cannot promise I will be able to hold him. The police are outside, remember you know nothing!

  Krista was staring at me her mouth not moving, but I knew this telekinetic bridge we had between us opened a new form of communication.

  “You wicked bitch!” He screamed at me as she wrapped her arms around his chest. She closed her eyes, and they disappeared into white oblivion.

  I felt Aaron moving in my arms as he opened his eyes. I felt a wash of relief run through me as I let a tear fall. He gripped onto me not speaking until the police officers entered the gym.

  Ten students were dead, along with five teachers, and the office administrator. There had been seven shooters. Four were found dead throughout the school, they arrested the other three. As for the nine students in my third period class, they all lived.


  I was right though, those nine told nine more and before I knew it the whole school had heard the story. I was no longer invisible. This didn’t change anything I was still the same pessimistic me. I just had more people than I wanted trying to be my friend.

  The story though, it was slightly one sided, for if I had sent my father’s flames towards the men that day I would have a totally different name right now. Before I had been seen as a dark witch, mistress of the arcane, now I was an Angel sent to Earth.

  The story would wear out soon enough, they will forget as is the human custom. Maybe a few will still latch on to it but I’m sure someone is going to intervene and make them forget what they saw.

  The whole thing makes me laugh. If they knew how wrong they were would they suddenly be as accepting of me?

  I grew fond of Aaron. He had a way of making me feel good when I really felt down. I still didn’t love him but we had this contract binding us together so I made do with what I had. I hadn’t seen nor heard from Wesley since the night at his house. There was no telling where they were right then. I was looking for her though, searching every astral plane I could think of but coming up empty handed. I had nothing but time, the goal was to save Wesley (and I would) but the thought of ripping out her throat made my world go round.

  She was safe for now. At least until I found her. After that I would make sure she pled for her life before I sent her to Hell where she belonged.

  I am Dawn, the daughter of an Angel and Demon. I have more power in my pinky than she has in her whole body.

  I will crush her!


