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Inside the Fire Book One in the Warden's Series Page 13

  “There are rumors of course about them. Stories that a hundred years ago some farmer murdered a group of women from town.” He laughed. “Of course they are just rumors there are no solid facts that it ever happened.”

  “I would hope that they are just rumors.” I shivered.

  “What Weathers, are you scared of ghosts?” He eyed me.

  “Anyway! We found Wesley in the woods. Mom called the ambulance, and they took him here.” I changed the subject away from the woods.

  “I would say he is a lucky guy. I mean I don’t think any of my ex-girlfriends would look for me if I went missing.” He shook his head and suddenly a moment of clarity hit his face. “Your eyes! That’s what is different!” He exclaimed making me jump.

  “What about them?” I asked my heart pounding, he’d figured it out.

  “They are blue now. At school the other day they were brown.” He smiled politely a sense of pride illuminating from his expression.

  “I wear color contacts to go with my style.” The lie came out smoothly. After telling it so many times it felt natural to just say it.

  “I knew a girl once whose eyes did that.” He was staring, and I was becoming uncomfortable. “It was, I think, two years ago. She went to school with us for a year. She started out with brown eyes, by the end of the year they were this beautiful blue. She moved that summer, her family was military or something, just in town to do some recruiting. I think that is what she said.” He was rambling.

  One thing that I have learned is that people tend to ramble when there is more to a story than what they are really wanting to tell.

  I was intrigued by this story. There had to be far more to it than just her eyes changing and miraculously disappearing. This was something that I would have to look into. Behind every mystery is an answer.

  After lunch Adam gave me another hug and told me to call him when Wesley woke up. I climbed into the elevator my stomach feeling better after my meal. As I was hitting the button for the third floor my phone started to buzz. I reached in my pocket and pulled it out.

  Mom: How much longer? Wes has been awake for a while he just didn’t want me to tell you so you could eat.

  I smiled at the message, leave it to my mother.

  Me: In the elevator now will be up there in a few seconds.

  It felt like the longest few seconds of my life getting from the ground level to the third floor. I walked into Wesley’s room he was sitting up eating from a tray of food a smile on his face.

  “How was lunch?” He asked taking another bite.

  “Great. If I would have known you were going to wake up I would have stayed.” I walked over to the bed and he reached for my hand.

  “No, no you needed to eat. I’m fine. Your mom said Adam came up to meet you.” He put down his fork and looked at me. There was no judgment in his eyes.

  “Yeah, he wanted to make sure you were ok.” I said squeezing his hand softly.

  “That was considerate of him. Remind me to thank him later.” Wesley smiled.

  “How you feeling?” I asked focusing the conversation back to him.

  “Great.” He said his eyes dancing. “Even better now that you are here.”

  I blushed. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” He pulled me close to kiss me briefly on the lips until he heard my mother clearing her throat behind me.

  “Sorry Ms. Weathers.” He blushed as I broke out into laughter.

  “Wesley if I have to remind you one more time to call me Angie I’m going to force you to break up with my daughter.” My mother teased.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He said muffling a laugh of his own.

  “So how you feeling?” I asked pushing a stray strand of hair from his forehead.

  “Sore.” He laughed.

  “They said you would be.” I pointed out as he took a drink of his tea.

  “I wish I knew what happened.” He said softly.

  “Well what do you remember happening?” I asked.

  My mother perked up from where she was sitting.

  “I had this dream. I swear I heard voices calling for me. I don’t remember talking to my father and I don’t remember going into the woods. The only thing I remember is seeing your face.” He smiled and reached up to caress my cheek.

  I heard my mother’s book slam closed, and she stood up and left the room. There was something going on that seemed to be far more than just a dream. I said nothing to him just stood there and looked at him fondly.

  “It will all be ok again.” I said brushing my lips to his.

  “How is it that you found me? They said I was pretty far into the woods.” He looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

  “Luck of the draw I suppose.” I laughed nervously.

  “I think there is far more to you than mere luck.” His eyes softened as he looked at me. “How did I ever become so lucky?”

  “You stalked me.” I teased him.

  “I wouldn’t call that stalking.” He kissed me again.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The Talk

  The hospital had decided to keep Wesley for four days for observation. Apparently he was pretty traumatized by the whole ordeal and would wake up screaming from a dead sleep. It didn’t help matters much that his fits would reopen his wound and it would have to be re-stitched.

  Several times the doctors threw us out of the room to calm him. It wouldn't work, the only way that he would calm down is if I was lying next to him my fingers touching his face or running through his hair. They figured his reaction to a familiar touch is what caused the nightmares to subside.

  My mother and I slept at the hospital. She stayed with him during the day while I went to school. Wesley and I would do our homework together when I showed up. I would turn it in for him the next day. It’s amazing how many of the teachers were willing to do this once they got wind that he was in the hospital.

  So on the fourth day imagine my excitement when I was told that they were going to be releasing him. Knowing that he would be home sent a thrill through my body. It was one thing to share him with the nurses it would be another to have him alone to myself again.


  I was watching a documentary on Word War II when my phone started to ring. I pulled it out and looked at it, rolling my eyes, I answered.

  “Hey Adam.” I said quickly turning down the volume on the TV.

  “Hey Dawn, I need to talk to you for a second.” There was a momentary pause, “So, I have a date with a girl I met in Branson tonight. I need you to tell me what I need to do tonight to not scare her off.” I could hear the car door open and then shut again in the background.

  Adam is what one might call a goody-goody. The boy had barely ever made it to first base so him on a date with a girl was actually a pretty big deal. I was shocked that he hadn’t dated anyone at school even more surprised that he had asked a girl out that lived over an hour away. I guess it would give him time to figure out what to do on the way there.

  “Already replaced me huh?” I teased him. I had been unable to keep out planned outing due to Wesley being in the hospital.

  “I could never replace you.” He teased back. “I just need advice.”

  “Just be yourself.” I sighed. “It’s pretty much the best thing you can do. She’ll love you,”

  “You seem so sure of yourself Venus.” He mocked me.

  “Well women are not as complicated as we appear.” I paused and looked at the clock I had to hurry or I would be late. “Make her laugh. Don’t spend the whole night talking about you. Keep her talking about herself. If she isn’t selfish she will return the questions to you, but let her lead.”

  “I hope you know if none of this works I’m going to hold you responsible for the down fall of my love life.” He said monotone into the phone.

  “If your love life fails I don’t think I am to blame.” I laughed. “I got it though.”

  “You just think you are so funny.” I heard the sarcasm in his voi

  “Good because I have to get dressed for a date of my own.” I said walking into my bedroom and beginning to rummage through my closet.

  “He coming home today?” Adam asked me.

  “Yeah, we are going to sit around eat salty popcorn and watch cheesy movies.” I opted for a black corset style shirt and a black skirt.

  “You lazy bitch!” Adam teased me. “I suggest getting out of the house not finding ways of staying in it. The boy has been cooped up in rooms for the last week!”

  “I’ve had to share him with nurses and doctors for the last four days.” I paused and pulled out my black boots from under my bed. “I really don’t want to have to share him with all the other people that are going to want to know what happened.”

  “You are still a lazy bitch. Alright, well go wow your boyfriend. I’m going to do my best not to botch my date. Again if the advice you gave me is wrong I’m blaming you.” He sounded so serious, but I had a feeling he was just kidding with me.

  “Fair enough,” I said laughing as we hung up.


  I was blaring old school Pantera when I pulled into Wesley’s drive that night. I turned off the car, grabbed my phone, and stuffed it in my skirts front pocket. I was about to round the corner to the back of the house when I heard Wesley’s voice. So I did what any good girlfriend would do, I stopped and listened. I could hear there was someone on the other end of the phone but I had no idea who it was.

  “I appreciate your concern about me, really I do. However, my girlfriend is on her way over now and I would like to be off the phone when she gets here.” I heard a female’s voice but could not make out what she was saying,

  “I don’t care if you think there is something wrong with her. You don’t know her so how can you come up with that assumption?” He sounded pissed. “No Miranda, listen, we broke up what two years ago?”

  There was a muffled girly scream. The type we get when we are frustrated.

  “I recall your reason for breaking it off was artistic differences.” I had a distinct feeling he made air quotes, and I giggled to myself. “I don’t care if you think you were stupid for doing it. No, no I’m not going to come and see you. I don’t care if you are going to school just up the road. I’m not going to come up there and spend time with you.”

  There were more girly screams.

  “You know what Miranda, I’m happy. I finally found the person I’m supposed to be with. I’m sorry you wasted your time getting into a school closer to me, but it’s never going to happen between us again.”

  I felt bad enough hearing that much of the conversation so I coughed and came around the corner. Wesley gave me a weak smile and kissed me on my cheek.

  “Seriously let it go, ok. I have to go. Dawn is here.” She was still talking when he hung up on her. I admit I smiled a little. “Stupid ex-girlfriends.” He mumbled as he wrapped his arms around me. “You would think that she would understand no the first time I said it.” He looked down at me and kissed the tip of my nose. “How you doing babe?”

  “One cannot complain I suppose.” I smiled broadly up at him. I found myself wondering where Melissa had seen her on the night Wesley was attacked. If I had heard him correctly his ex was at school in the city.

  “I’m sure you can find something to complain about.” He gave me a playful smile, and I melted.

  “Nope, I’m happy just being right here with you.” Good lord, I was being sappy.


  “Well, I got a ton of movies upstairs and enough popcorn to put us in a coma.” He looked towards the field behind his house and then suddenly back at me.

  “What is it?” I asked turning my head to look as well.

  “I thought I just saw, oh Hell forget about it.” He kissed me deeply, warm heat taking over my body. After he released me he looked at the tree line one last time and after he pulled me inside securing the lock behind him.

  We entered the kitchen hand in hand. I looked over and saw Mr. Jensen standing at the stove stirring a big metal pot with something bubbling inside. He looked at me and smiled.

  “Dawn!” He exclaimed coming around and giving me a big hug.

  For some reason after my mother and I found Wesley in the woods his father had become increasingly huggy. Not to mention him and my mother seemed inseparable, for now, my mother wouldn’t string him along. I’m sure there is something more to the whole thing. Probably something to do with Greta, yup that is probably it right there.

  “Hello, Mr. Jensen.” I giggled as he swung me around in a circle.

  “Oh honey I’ve told you it’s Greg. You twos mothers were to close for me to just be Mr. Jensen.” He put me down and pat Wesley on the back. “I’m about to head out to your place. Your mom said she was craving some chili so I made her some of my award winning recipe.” So it was chili that he was stirring in the pot. I would never have known by the looks of it. “And she will be happy to know that I found the sketch book.” He patted a hard cover book and suddenly looked sad.

  “Melissa home?” I asked as we turned to go.

  “No, she went to my sisters for the weekend. The place is all yours tonight.” His father said looking at us not smiling. “You two are being safe right?” Wesley’s face instantly paled, my heart began to pound my hands got sweaty and I let out a nervous laugh. Wesley looked at me with fear in his eyes then back at his dad.

  “Of course Dad.” He stammered his hand was shaking in mine.

  “I just want to make sure. You two are still young so much ahead of you. A baby could really complicate things.” He looked at me. “Has your mother talked to you about birth control methods?” I swear I was about to faint, all I could do was nod.

  She had told me about the options but she also told me the likelihood of getting pregnant by a mortal being pretty much slim to none. There are only a few female Angels that were ever able to give birth to a healthy human baby. Not to mention the wide spread infertility amongst female Angels allowing them only to pair with those of the same breed.

  Apparently when an Angel does get pregnant though the gestational period decreases, instead of the mortal 40 weeks the child is fully developed sometimes as quickly as 25 or as long as 30.

  Now there is a twist to the whole thing while female Angels were pretty much given permanent birth control the male Angles still had the capability of getting a human woman pregnant. At least that is what she learned from the few like her in the world. That is where all the half Angels came from they were sprung from the pairing of a mortal woman and a celestial male. This was meant to merely increase the ability to protect the Earth from demon or other half-blooded invasions.

  There were very few cases where an Angel gave birth to a human child. However, I was something that wasn’t supposed to be so I guess it could happen. It only takes once. She hadn’t known of demon females so there was always a possibility that half of my blood being more dominant when it came to the production of children. Still though the chances were slim to none.

  “Good.” He looked at Wesley. “If you need anything I put a package of, you know, in the closet.” As soon as his father said that Wesley was yanking me up the steps before his father could say anything else.

  “I am so sorry.” He said looking at me once we were safe inside the walls of his room. I could tell he was embarrassed by the talk his father had just had with the two of us.

  “It’s ok, at least he cares.” I said touching his cheek then throwing my jacket on the couch in his room.

  “I never thought about it though, all those times that we, you know.” He ran his fingers through his hair.

  I knew exactly what he was talking about and at the same time I realized his hesitation in saying the word.

  “I wouldn’t be too concerned with it. I’m sure I’m perfectly fine.” I said taking a seat at the edge of his bed. He got down on his knees and pushed my legs open so he could wrap his arms around me.

  “If it was to happen I wouldn’
t leave you.” He stated laying his head on my chest so I could play with his hair. “I mean we already have a future together. Does it really hurt anything if we discuss that part of our lives now?” I looked at him but couldn’t bring myself to smile.

  He really wanted to discuss children now? I must be high on glue or something because it wasn’t going to happen. I wasn’t sure how to tell him that if he stayed with me having children would be a near impossibility.

  “Right now? Yes it would be.” I sighed. “Think about it. We have college starting next year if we plan to have a child right out of high school neither of us would get to go.”

  “What if we don’t go to college?” He asked me seriously.

  “Well in that case we still have dreams that we want to complete before we have kids. For now I think we should just concern ourselves with being seniors. Not to mention my mom is already anti premarital sex, so she would kill me. Seriously, she would kill me.” I struggled to keep my composure.

  “I would prefer to marry you first before we have kids, but if we aren’t I can be quite convincing.” He cooed at me. “However it looks like you do not need much of that.” He smiled evilly, my chest rising and falling. “Later though, right now I’m in the mood for a movie and some quality cuddle time.”

  “You are such a tease!” I threw a pillow at him that collided with his face. He let out a laugh and pounced on me.

  “I’m the tease?” He said wrapping his fingers in mine. “I seem to be staring at a woman who just happened to show up here in next to nothing. When you bend over I can see from boob to naval. It just screams take me.” He kissed my nose and pushed his forehead to mine. “By the way I can feel your heart pounding.” He laughed.

  I gave him a deadly glare.

  “I thought you said you wanted to watch a movie.” I chastised him pretending that I was pouting.

  “I think I changed my mind. I am quite comfortable right here crushing you.” He pulled himself up on his elbows and looked down at me.

  “I’m glad that me being unable to breathe makes your day.” I said out of breath.