Inside the Fire Book One in the Warden's Series Read online

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  The pain his father was experiencing was heart wrenching. I could not imagine how I would be if Wesley was torn from my life without any notice. I would stop at nothing to get him back as long as what had taken him was not on his own free will.

  “Dawn’s step-father passed away six months ago.” Wesley pointed out for me before his father could speak.

  “That’s unfortunate.” Mr. Jensen looked at me and frowned. “This must be hard for your mother.”

  “She’s doing better. For a while I was concerned. She likes where she’s at and she seems to enjoy the congregation.” I said looking down at my hands. They were still shaking.

  “Would you like something drink?” Mr. Jensen perked.

  “Please.” I said my throat feeling dry.

  His father stood up and walked to the refrigerator.

  “I have tea, coke, Dr. Pepper?” His father looked at me and smiled.

  “Dr. Pepper sounds great.” I said as he came back and handed me a can.

  “So what are your kids plans this afternoon?” He asked changing our conversation from what it had been previously.

  “I would show Dawn the woods.” Wesley said glancing at me.

  The woods? I don’t want to go in there.

  “What is so exciting about those woods?” His father asked as Wesley smiled.

  “It’s just beautiful.” Wesley shrugged.

  “I’m fine not going into the woods.” I said my voice shaking.

  He laughed.

  “There is nothing in the woods that could hurt you.” He said as my eyes shot to his father.

  “I’ve lived in the desert for so long being in the trees makes me feel confined.” I lied. I knew something was in those woods. I was not ready to find out who or what it was.

  “Fine, fine.” Wesley caved.

  “Daddy?” A girl about twelve entered the room in a flower print dress and a confused expression.

  “What is it Melissa?” Mr. Jensen asked with affection.

  “I can’t figure out this problem for the life of me.” She put her head in her hands. “Sixth grade is so hard!”

  I had to muffle a laugh.

  “Who is she?” Melissa said pointing at me.

  “This is Dawn. Wesley’s girlfriend.” Mr. Jensen answered her.

  “She’s a step up from the last one.” Melissa said calmly.

  “Thanks rugrat.” Wesley said giving her a smirk.

  “Dawn, do you know how to braid?” She asked me ignoring her older brother.

  “Of course.” I had long hair what made her think I wouldn’t know how to braid.

  “Can you teach my dad how to do it?” She asked nicely. I looked at Mr. Jensen just as he blushed.


  I left the house shortly after six to get home in time for dinner. I had politely declined the invitation to eat with Wesley and his family. I actually wanted to see my mother. I had a feeling she would be the perfect person to talk to Wesley’s dad seeing how they both moved here under the same pretenses. Luckily her car was in the driveway.

  I entered the house and put my bag down by the door. She was standing at the stove the radio turned up singing along. I might also want to add she was dancing.

  “Mom.” I said putting my hand over my mouth trying not to laugh out loud.

  She turned around and smiled at me.

  “What’s up darling?” She asked. She was in far too happy right now.

  “I met Wesley’s dad today.” I said locking my hands together.

  “Oh? How did it go?” She asked. She had been through this before. I think she felt the same fear I did concerning the matter.” Actually quite well. I was wondering something though.” I paused and glanced towards the stove. Spaghetti, my favorite.

  “What’s that?” She asked.

  “You know how I told you Wesley’s mom died a few years back.” She nodded. “He still wears his wedding ring. I was wondering if maybe you could go over to his house and talk to him. Seeing how you both came here for the same reason.”

  “It is not a horrible idea.” She smiled. “Leave me the address and I will stop by tomorrow on my way to the church.”

  “You are the best mom!” I exclaimed throwing my arms around her.

  “So it didn’t just go well then.” My mother laughed as I jumped up and down.

  “Only one thing happened that was odd.” I said as I pulled away and straightened my skirt. I couldn’t believe I had just done that.

  “What was that?” She returned to the stove.

  “His sister. She said I was a step up from the last one.” I popped my knuckles. Her shoulders tensed, I knew she was making a face.

  “That is interesting. Wesley must be one of those guys.” She laughed.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” I crossed my arms a half smile on my face.

  “Nothing honey. You just aren’t exactly normal. You already know this.” She was teasing me.

  “I love how you have my back on this.” I groaned.

  “Set the table will you? It’s just about ready.” She pointed to the cabinet that housed all the plates.

  Chapter Twelve

  Invites & Confessions

  “Dawn?” Adam’s voice echoed through the hallway and I stopped in my tracks.

  Turning around I looked at the boy as he sped walked through the crowd apologizing to those that seemed to be in his way. When he reached me I put his finger up to give him a second to catch his breath.

  “What’s up?” I asked situating my bag so it wasn’t digging into my shoulder.

  “I have tickets to a drag race this Saturday. You have anything planned?” He asked me.

  “You want me to go with you?” I was shocked.

  “Yeah. I figured you might be into that kind of thing.” He laughed.

  “Wow. Um. I don’t know I will have to ask my mom if there is anything going on.” I blushed. He wasn’t kidding when he said he wanted to get to know me.

  “Awesome. Just let me know.” He gave me a wave and walked off down the hallway.

  He was a friendly boy that was for certain. As he walked down the hallway he exchanged a brief conversation with just about every student he ran into. He seemed well liked by our classmates.

  I shook my head and laughed under my breath. I left the school and kicked my way through the gravel to my car. Wesley had to go somewhere today, so I was going straight home. My mother would freak when she saw me before six. When I got home from school that day I put my keys on the counter and my bag on the table, my mother must have heard me come in and called for me from the living room. I ambled in and I found her to be very worried. She was chewing impatiently on her bottom lip her hands twined into her dress her eyes blood shot. I was concerned instantly.

  “What’s wrong mom?” I asked the moment I saw her face.

  “I went and saw Wesley’s dad today while the two of you were at school.” She sighed. “He’s a very nice and very troubled man.”

  She pulled a photo from beside her and turned it towards me. I was looking into a set of pale eyes. She was smiling her children hanging all over her. I could tell she was a happy woman. So why did she die? What had happened to her?

  “This is Greta Jensen.” She motioned for me to sit.

  “She’s beautiful mom.” I said staring at the photo.

  I could see Melissa in her mother’s face. The shaped even the size of her eyes. Everything was similar in comparison including the small dimple on her right cheek.

  “Yes she was.” My mother looked troubled. A few moments passed before she spoke again. “I knew Greta.” My eyes widened. “I knew her back before she had Wesley. Actually I was there with her when she took the pregnancy test. Unlike me, she showed many warning signs early that she was with child. She had all the morning sickness, the odd cravings, things I never had when I was pregnant with you. She was almost through the first trimester before she took that test.” Her eyes started to tear.

  “She wa
s so scared. They had just married, and he was always on the road with his work so she was afraid to have the baby. She was fearful she couldn’t do it without him there with her.” She brushed the tears from her eyes.

  “We had to leave town about six months into the pregnancy. After your father set fire to the police station while dealing with a criminal investigation. I never heard from her again.” There was another sigh and her shoulders quivered. Her emotions were getting the best of her.

  “Greg knew me the moment he opened his door. He apparently never forgot me, even after eighteen years. He was more than willing to tell me what happened with Greta.” She looked down at her hands before proceeding.

  “Wesley was in tenth grade when she became ill. She was unable to sleep, very skittish. He said she would jump at the smallest sound. It wasn’t long before she started talking to herself as if something was with her. After a short while she was answering herself and talking to the air.” She sniffed and wiped at her eyes.

  “He said she was drawing disturbing images of a woman devouring the souls of her family with what appeared to be their spirit floating from their mouths to hers.” She paused. “Greg said he’s going to see if he can find the sketch book. He thinks it’s in the attic and he’s going to let me see it. He actually thinks I can make some sense of it.”

  “How are you going to do that mom?” I asked. I had this uncomfortable tightness in my chest.

  “Dawn, how quickly you push aside my powers. Have you forgotten I was an instrument of God once? He may have taken my wings and threw me into this Hell hole but he let me keep my powers.” She looked at my blank stare. Rolling her eyes she looked at me seriously. “Did you really think your father was the only one with a little magic up his sleeve?”

  I admit I had thought my father was the more powerful of the two of them. My mother very rarely showed her power unless it was to simply assist a plant grow or an animal give birth.

  “You did didn’t you? I hope you know demon’s used to fear me.” She smiled proudly.

  I looked away and bit my lip. I think in a way I had actually insulted her. That wasn’t my intention, my assumption as apparently wrong.

  “Anyway back to my story. Greta was a special person. She was pure in spirit and mind but she was still sick. All the events Greg witnessed pointed to the possibility of a severe mental condition. They managed to get her medicated, and then set up with a shrink, even had her hospitalized for a brief period. She did best in the hospital. The doctors felt the psych ward was not meant for her so they let her go. He said about six months after that he woke up one morning, and his wife was dead in the bed beside him. She died in her sleep.” She stopped for a moment. This was hard for her. She had found out another person that meant so much to her had passed on.

  “There were a few odd bits in his story that made me wonder about some of the things he witnessed. He said she would cower away from Wesley’s girlfriend. He couldn’t understand why she did this since they both thought this girl very sweet. She was an exchange student from Germany I think is what he said.” She brightened for a moment. “Wesley is a very knowledgeable young man. He can speak several languages fluently. Did you know that?” I nodded remembering the whole incident in his bedroom as if it was yesterday.

  “Anyway, he said Greta would walk away muttering that the girl was a child of the devil towards the end. She had seemed well enough to him, very polite always offering to do things for the family.” She shrugged.

  I have to admit the one thing that bothered me was the idea Wesley had been with another girl. The thought of it made my heart hurt. I knew it was before he knew I even existed still I couldn’t help it. There really is no point in getting jealous over there being someone in his life before me.

  “After Greta died he said Wesley was distraught for a few days then out of nowhere managed to pick himself up, brush off the dirt, and move on with life as if the whole incident had never happened. Shortly after that the girl just disappeared. One day she was there and the next day POOF, gone. Wesley went on as if it was nothing, hardly spoke of her again. They moved here to get away from the memories. Much like how you and I did by coming here.” She gave me a small smile.

  “Melissa was having nightmares and Wes was sleep-walking. Greg knew he had to get them out of there before they both mentally combusted. He moved into the old house and fixed it up. He paid a fortune to have the whole place redone. First night there Wesley went missing. The authorities found him in the woods behind the house half frozen. He didn’t even remember how he got out there.”

  She was looking at the ground. “He had some troubles last year in school, fighting mostly. Wesley was having a rough time until you showed up apparently. Once you two started dating it was like a switch had been turned on. He is forever grateful that you were able to give him new meaning.” My mother paused, she wasn’t telling me something.

  “It’s so funny though, Greta used to joke about how our children were destined to be together. That there was a force strong in nature that would work to keep them close and an even stronger one Hell bent on tearing them apart. She really was a special woman, but there was no way that she would know that. Not without having something non-human in her blood.” My mother’s giggle was anxious.

  “You’re not telling me something, mom.” I said eyeing her suspiciously.

  “I’m not telling you a lot actually. I have my own questions that need to be answered about Greta and a few about Wesley, but before I can tell you what the answers are. I need to find them myself.” She started to stand. “But for now go about life as usual. Don’t ask Wesley anything. I will have all the answers you need soon enough.”

  “Mom?” I asked eyeing her closely.

  “What is it honey?” The smile on her face had faded.

  “Thank you.” It was the least I could say.

  She had done what she said she would. It’s just amazing how more entwined into each other’s lives Wesley and I find ourselves. There was a past even before we could create a present.

  It nagged at me for days though. The plot holes that were missing from her story. Something awful must have happened to Mrs. Jensen. Something so horrible that the family never speaks of it or her. It took every ounce of courage for me to be able to ask Wesley how his mother had died. I figured she had died in her sleep, but what had killed her?


  I was sitting in the living room watching TV when my phone began to ring. Grabbing it I hit the green button without even looking at the screen.

  “Hello?” I asked.

  “Hey Dawn.” The male voice on the other end said.

  I pulled my phone away from my ear and saw Adam’s name across the screen.

  “Hey Adam.” I said thankful that I had looked.

  “What are you doing right now?” He asked. It sounded like he was in his car.

  “Watching TV.” I said dryly.

  “Sounds fun. Hey I’m going to be in your area in the next ten minutes. Have to drop something off for my father. Want to hang out for a bit?” He sounded in an extremely good mood.

  “Yeah. I live off the main drag. The white house with the pink mailbox.” I groaned.

  My mother’s idea. She had always wanted a pink mailbox for some reason and when we moved I had made sure to give it to her. I don’t think I had ever seen her so thrilled in her life.

  “Pink mailbox huh?” I heard him laughing.

  “My mom.” I said.

  “Enough said.” He muffled his laughter.

  “How long?” I asked looking down at my ratty sweatpants and tank top. I had changed clothes already.

  “Give me about twenty minutes.” He said. I put my hand over the receiver.

  “Mom, my friend Adam is going to come over. Is that ok with you?” I called out.

  “Yeah honey. Does your friend want to stay for dinner?” She yelled back at me and I rolled my eyes.

  Taking my hand off the receiver I grumbled in her dire

  “My mom wants to know if you want to stay for dinner.” I said.

  “Sure. My dad is going to be at the diner all night for some reason. I could use a home cooked meal.” He said.

  “Alright I will tell her. I guess I will see you in twenty minutes.” I said.

  “See ya soon.” He hung up.

  “I didn’t know you made another friend.” My mother walked into the living room wiping her wet hands off on a towel.

  “It was an interesting event to say the least.” I said standing up. If Adam was coming to the house I wasn’t going to be greeting him dressed like a slob.

  “Well that’s great. What’s her name?” She was pushing.

  “Adam.” I said simply walking by her.

  “Oh, another boy?” She raised her eyebrow at me.

  “Wesley doesn’t mind. He says that he trusts Adam.” I rounded the corner and entered my bedroom.

  I changed clothes quickly and walked back out into the kitchen putting my hair up in a sloppy ponytail.

  “So what’s this boy’s last name?” She asked me.

  “Snyder I think.” I said stopping mid walk and looking at her. “Why do you ask?”

  “Just wondering. He must be Henry’s son. Sweet boy always filled with compliments.” She smiled. “His list of sins is quite low. If he keeps it up he will be welcome to Heaven with a band of trumpeters.”

  “You and your analogies.” I grumbled as I picked up walking back into the living room and sitting back down the couch.

  “I hope he likes pork chops and mashed potatoes. I was feeling a little culinary tonight.” She laughed and proceeded to get back to her cooking.

  I sat on the couch for a few more minutes till I hard Adam’s car in the drive. It was more like ten minutes than twenty. I had a feeling that this was the norm for Adam he was extremely punctual.

  “I think your friend is here.” My mom said from the kitchen.

  I got up and walked out the front door to greet him.

  “What’s up Weathers?” He asked the second he was out of his car.

  I raised an eyebrow. Nobody had ever called me by my last name. At least not in the way that he was. I mean it was normal for my PE coaches to call me by that. Hearing someone like Adam say it though it kinda felt nice. I mean different but nice.